Category: .:news:.

  • Años Luz XIII Compilation Out On Bandcamp

    Hi. Just letting you know that O.P.A.L.’s “Ciencia Fricción” appears as an exclusive track to the following compilation of Puerto Rican sound art located at Hola. Solo para informarles que “Ciencia Fricción” de O.P.A.L. aparece como un tema exclusivo del siguiente recopilatorio de arte sonoro puertorriqueño ubicado en os-luz-xiii

  • Límites EP Release

    Hi. O.P.A.L. released “Límites”, a free exclusive four-track EP for our friends at the Palabra y Sonido record label (formerly known as Yuca Tapes). Also, this release is completely free to our subscribers. Two tracks of ambient soundscapes for your internal soundtrack and two tracks of shoegaze, dream pop, and post-rock goodness. You can get…

  • Flotation Device CD Release

    Hello. This Bandcamp Friday, April 7th, 2023, O.P.A.L. releases the long-awaited “Flotation Device” CD. The CD contains tracks from “Night On Earth”, “Gravedad Cero”, and the “Ad Astra” EPs, and 5 additional tracks. It is available at and shipped worldwide. This is the first of three CDs I will release this year. Subscribers get all our…

  • Años Luz XIII

    O.P.A.L. is proud to join the 13th edition of this event and we are celebrating it with the release of a brand new track. Check it out here.

  • 2022-2024 O.P.A.L. Releases, Habemus CD’s.

    Hi. Been a long time since I updated this. O.P.A.L. has very much taken over my musical endeavors. I have enough material for a Descojón Urbanjo release, but at the moment I think DU has served its purpose. Maybe it’s time for another DU nap. I added several new O.P.A.L. releases that should/will appear on…

  • New O.P.A.L. album and D35C0J0N UR84N0 tracks. Out Now.

    Two new releases out. New O.P.A.L. album and a D35C0JóN UR84N0/O.P.A.L. split EP. Out now. Bandcamp releases are pay as you want. Also available at Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, and other digital outlets. Download, listen, enjoy and play loud.

  • A very crappy year brings brand new music.

    I should keep this more updated. However, this crapfest that is the Year of Our Lord 2020 has kept me quite busy. This post hopes to remedy that. Well, there’s brand new releases from O.P.A.L. and D35C0JóN UR84N0 to whet your appetite. So click the links and find out what you’ve been missing. More soon.…

  • .:renovations:.

    New website design. New cybernetic digs. Hope you like the place.