.:message in a bottle:.
Want to get in touch? Sure! Why not! Fill out the contact form below. If it’s spam, my trusty spam filter will take care of it. If it’s crapware or virus, my antivirus filter will take care of it. If it’s legit, I’ll read it and take it from there. Deal?
.:all that jazz:.
Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and the rest are wonderful tools if properly used and by all means, use them. Unfortunately, they can be used against you as well. But if you really want to find out, check out my Twitter feed and my Instagram page. Enjoy! No, I don’t have Facebook and my LinkedIn profile is private. Carry on.
.:i’m with the band:.
So you want to know what’s going on the wonderful world of Rojo y Negro Records and have a busy schedule? I understand. You can subscribe to our mailing list and receive updates, news, special offers, and other goodies. I promise that your address stays confidential, that I won’t spam your inbox or sell your address to a third-party. Best of all, if you don’t like it, you can easily unsubscribe. I’d like you to be along for the ride though.
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